Scalable tube cell electrolysis

Tube cell electrolysis for the production of low-chlorate sodium hypochlorite solution directly on site. The undivided cells have a long service life and are deliberately kept simple. The PLC controller monitors and regulates all relevant operating parameters and has numerous connection options such as external enable on/off, Modbus IP and Modbus RS485. Continuous monitoring of the salt concentration prevents unnecessarily high carry-over into the bathing water. With a capacity of 25 to 4,000 g chlorine per hour, the electrolysis system is perfect for small and large disinfection applications.
The units are mounted on a stainless steel frame and can be hung on the wall. A free-standing frame is available as an option. The salt and product tank can be positioned independently of the system. The control cabinet for sizes 75-300 the control cabinet is mounted on the system, from size 500 the cabinet can be freely positioned near the system by means of wall mounting. The hydrogen produced during the process is separated by a degassing tank and discharged to the outside by a fan from size 300 upwards. The fresh sodium hypochlorite is fed into the product tank without an additional pump and can be dosed from there as required.
75 / 90 / 150 / 200 / 300 /
500 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 /
3000 / 4000
Areas of application
public outdoor swimming pools
public indoor swimming pools
20 | 40 | 75 | 90
Areas of application
private outdoor swimming pools
private indoor swimming pools
Your advantages at a glance.
- No handling of hazardous chemicals
- Customised planning
- Scalable parameter
- Increase in economic efficiency
- Ideal for modernisation and replacement of chlorine gas systems
- Low operating costs
- State-of-the-art tube cell technology
Our team of experts will be happy to help you plan the next steps. Whether it’s a swimming pool, whirlpool or therapy pool – we have the experience and expertise to get your project on the right track.
Compact sizes

Compact tube cell electrolysis for private swimming pools
Tube cell electrolysis for the production of low-chlorate sodium hypochlorite solution directly on site. The undivided cells have a long service life and are deliberately kept simple. The integrated control system monitors and regulates all relevant operating parameters. The systems are mounted on a PVC panel for flexible installation. The salt and product tank can be positioned independently of the system. The hydrogen produced during the process is separated by a degassing tank and discharged to the outside.