Why water disinfection
Clear and clean water
The water.
As pool water is a good carrier of microorganisms and every bather introduces several million bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms into the pool water despite washing their body before bathing, pool water must be continuously disinfected to prevent the risk of infection.en.
The best way to do this is with chlorine, as it acts quickly due to its reactivity and is the only disinfectant with a depot effect. It is also the least problematic for the human organism when used in the correct dosage.
Clean water not only means bathing fun, but above all health safety.
Find out more about pool water and pool hygiene in our pool guide.
What are the problems
The correct pH value is essential for perfect disinfection performance and one of the most important factors for swimming pool owners. The optimum pH value should be 7-7.5.
The typical, unpleasant odour of chlorine occurs when there is too little active chlorine and too much chloramine (combined chlorine) in the water. This can also lead to stinging eyes and skin irritation.
With an electrolysis unit, the required amount of disinfectant can be produced on site from harmless table salt in a simple and inexpensive way and the dosage can be perfectly adjusted.
Which system is suitable for which pool?
The alternative to conventional chlorination.
Thanks to the continuous dosing of highly effective chlorine in the form of hypochlorous acid, the right amount of active chlorine is in the water at all times. This means that even people with sensitive skin can bathe in the water. Eye and skin irritation as well as unpleasant swimming pool odours are avoided.
![Membranelektrolyse 24](https://e-w-t.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/EWT_Anlage2448100.png)
The cost of producing active chlorine with an electrolysis system is significantly lower than the price of purchasing commercially available chlorine bleach. The need for pH-regulating care products is drastically reduced. This reduces the risk of accidents. The modern membrane cell technology means that the bathing water does not become oversalted.